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Recent Updates
Very Serious Introduction
5:44 PM
Let's do Round 3!
One more go-round. Ready?
Categories have now been randomized for all students. Hope you can memorize quick!
3:59 PM
R2 draws inbound!
Second verse, same as the first.
CAUTION: one option is rigged to make your device explode. Good luck!
If you've been to our tournament before, you know that we're all about two things: 1) an efficient award ceremony, and 2) not taking ourselves too seriously. So, since we're hitting the mid-season lull for a lot of teams, we've decided to shake up a few rules for today only:
All competitors able to successfully deliver their script backwards will automatically advance to finals.
All competitors speaking in room B141 will be entered in a drawing for a FREE scoliosis exam.
All unbreakable ties in Info will be resolved with a fight to the death. You may use only your VAs as weapons.
All Extemp Readers may use only the Polish translation of There Is No Long Distance Now. Intros may be given in any non-English language of your choosing.
All Humor rounds occur directly above a tank of sharks. Should your piece fail to produce any laughter from the audience, the trap door opens automatically.
One competitor entered today is a 32-year-old actor in disguise. First person to correctly guess their identity will receive a $50,000 cash prize, courtesy of the Shakopee High School Speech team.
School Map
If you know your colors, you can figure out our school. If you don't...we may have a different issue.

welcome to the
Chaska Speech
Invitational 2023
February 18, 2023
Need a Hand?
The fine folks in the Tab Room are ready to assist with adds/drops, rule concerns, radiocarbon dating and other assorted questions. You'll find them in R130. Be nice.
For your own safety, please avert your eyes when approaching the Tab Room. The innermost workings of SpeechWire contain unspeakable horrors that cannot be unseen.
The WiFi network is 112Public.
If it asks you for a password, you picked the wrong network.
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